Let April show you effective angel communication. Experience the joy of working with your Angels daily.

Read the detailed description below and contact me for your Angel Communication Session. This is one of the greatest gifts you can give yourself.

The information I have learned from my personal Angel Communication Session has made an incredible difference in my personal relationships and professional career.

I have been administering the Angel Communication Session for ten years. I know angel communication.

One perspective on angels

Many people cannot relate to commonly accepted ideas about angel communication that is based on traditional religious teachings and biblical references.

Every culture tries to explain the "still small voice within" guidance the best it can. Also the understanding and awareness of angels is an evolutionary process and every generation build upon the previous.

The Angel Communication Session will offer you a contemporary understanding of angels and the role they play in your life. Additionally you will learn new angels insights that accurately explain a vague awareness you already have within.

In association with the Wayshowers College, April Azzolino administers a series of private spiritual consultations that are designed to empower you with advanced insights and techniques. These consultations are powerful and not like anything you have ever experienced.

Learn a quick and easy method of daily meditation with your angels so you can receive their ideas, inspirations and suggestions for your life success. Finally receive answers immediately to any question you would like to ask your angels/guides.

The Orientation Angel Communication Profile is the first session. It is a 1 hour session. You will learn a technique that will raise your energy vibration instantly to be "tuned in" with your angels.

1. You will discover how many Angels you have

  • Learn how to get Yes/No answers. Follow up Yes/No answers with a series of questions designed to have your angels give you more detailed information.
  • You will discover that you are never alone.
  • You will experience your Angels being close to you sharing love and support.
  • Learn how to use your Angels at home and work. This angel communication technique is very practical and useful.

2. You will learn how your Intuitive abilities are integrated in your life

  • Gain a working knowledge of your Inner Knowing, Vision, Intuition, and Feeling.
  • You will discover your primary type.
  • Discover how your primary type affects how you interact with other people.
  • Learn what it means if your are Inner Knowing, Vision, Intuition, or Feeling.

3. Also you will receive and Energy Balance Gauge

  • Discover how much of your Life Force is working for you in a Positive, Negative, or Indecisive manner.
  • This will indicate the degree you are "working hard" and "flowing smoothly" with your life.

This 1-hour private consultation will change your life. You will be empowered with solutions to life's challenges. You will discover a new you, The Real You.

The cost is $149.00

Let's get acquainted!
Schedule a complimentary (no charge) Discovery Call and get clarity about a private session that's right for you. Book your Free Discovery Session here:

Once booked a Virtual Zoom Link will be sent to the email provided.

You can pre-pay for your Angel Communication Session HERE

What this session will mean to you

Everyone has a "Sixth Sense." This can also be known as avenues of perception, spiritual sensitivity, intuition, or being psychic. We all have up to 30 - 45 of these intuitive impressions each day but many times overlook them or are not sure how to interpret them. This can lead to undue pressure or missed opportunities,

There are four different types of these Sixth Sense impressions. Clear seeing (clairvoyant), Clear Hearing (clairaudient), Feeling (sensation), or Prophecy (inner knowing). In this private session you will discover your primary avenue of perception and how it can be used effectively.

You will also learn how to use your Inner Guidance (spirit guides). Many times we need to make decisions in our lives but are unsure of the appropriate direction to take. Our Inner Guidance is there to help in this process. Their purpose is to share helpful insights but not make the decision.

Just imagine for a moment......What would it mean to you

To more effectively understand your hunches and first impressions
To effectively communicate with a team of spiritual helpers who will help guide you

This private session will be a major turning point in your life and start removing uncertainty in you life purpose.