Psychic Gifts of Intuition,Vision, Prophecy, & Feeling

I grew up in a religious traditional experience. I was on the Bible Quiz Team at my local church and sang in the teen choir. I was immersed in the church from birth. I grew up in small town in Kentucky population 500 at the time. It was a time of wonder, love for your neighbor and God. The thing is my upbringing did not teach me about my metaphysical side. It did teach me a appreciation of exploring the unknown.

I left that small town and have traveled around the globe. Life is a teaching experience. In my middle 40’s The Wayshowers College came into my life, the picture above is the tranquility of the campus at night and I am so thankful for the lessons I have learned through their private consultations and the many classes I have attended. It has opened me in being able to get some answers about my metaphysical nature. I hope this blog post will bring to you a awareness of being a soul in a body and your psychic abilities we all have when we became into creation.You contracted a team of spiritual helpers and the way you wanted them to communicate to you through this metaphysical nature.

One of my favorite parables in the Bible is from 1 Corinthians 12:8-10; it reads, To one is given by the Spirit the word of wisdom; to another the word of knowledge by the same Spirit. To another faith, to another the working of miracles; to another prophecy. It also reads in Romans 1:11 (Angel Numbers); For I long to see you, and to impact to you the gifts of the Spirit,in order that you may be strengthened by it. There is many parables written on the psychic gifts. The word psychic comes from the Greek word psyche which means breath of God. We all have the breath of Spirit coming through us. We all are psychic and have these spiritual gifts. It is just a question are you ready in bringing this to your awareness and accepting this part of yourself.

Let me share what those parables are implying for me. My impression is that each of those are talking about how spirit is moving through us the psychic abilities. We all have these naturally. We can strengthen them by practicing different exercises.

There is four main innate abilities. Once is your primary way of working with spirit. Then the other three follow. You could say it is your internal GPS system. We have our first gift, second, third, and fourth. We need to use them all to be in balance but our tendency will always naturally go to the first gift. All of us may have a different system from our family, co-workers and friends. My way of working is different then how my twin sister is receiving her psychic impressions. Thankfully we both accept each other because we now understand our unique GPS system.

Let me share what I have come to understand about each of the psychic gifts:

The Gift of Intuition is the clairaudience part of us. If this is your primary way of working with spirit you may hear the small inner voice or songs at times can get stuck in your head. If you are Intuitive first you like the facts of life, the big picture, being directed. Your example will be lead, follow, or get out of the way. You are a natural born leader and a wisdom of inner hearing from your spiritual helpers. You do not like to waste time. You are more original than conventional. When out of balance you lean into being stubborn, hostile and wanting your own way. Intuitive individual’s when in balance will discern the What,When, Where, and Why of the situation, skilled in helping people, and will lead the way with their undeniable love that emits from them.

  • A technique in developing your Intuitive part: Get grounded by breathing 3x in through your nose and out through your mouth. Do the spiritual cleansing technique I teach if you know it or just imagine a bright light filled with a love vibration cleansing your aura. Then become quit and ask your inner guidance to come near you and give you a Keyword for the day then write it down. The ask your guidance to give you a second word and write that down. Write down any impressions you are receiving from these words. Before retiring at night regroup yourself and what you learned about these words given to through your Intuition part. Do this technique for one week and discern how you have spiritually grown from doing this practice.

The Gift of Vision is the clairvoyance part of us. If this is your primary way of receiving impressions from your spiritual team of helpers they will communicate to you through pictures. You will have mental pictures through your mind’s eye or some may say through your 3rd eye. You may see what may not be noticeable in the material world. A Visionary in balance establishes good communication and rapport with others as they can “walk a mile in another man’s shoes” than can empathize rather than sympathize. They will like a neat appearance, attractive and pleasant environments.The visionary will be more traditional and desires more harmony. The visionary can manifest easily through the 3rd eye there wishes, hopes, and dreams.When out of balance they will won’t more control and lean into having everything picture perfect. A visionary needs to bring more self-awareness and worry less.

  • A technique in developing your Clairvoyant part:Cleanse and ground yourself, then ask your guidance in giving you a symbol or picture on “How to improve one area of your life in?” Write what you received down. By doing this weekly you will be developing your visionary ability in what your inner guidance is giving you by becoming aware!

The Gift of Prophecy is the Inner-knowing part of us. If this is your primary gift knowing comes instantaneously getting a picture, understanding and feeling.The prophetic is very imaginative and creative. This gift is able to go into full trance and serve as a channel more easily than the other gifts. It is able to create new ideas and scans into the future by tuning into the universe. You may get premonitions about people or things. You receive thoughts as a knowing. A balance prophetic allows personal freedom for all and can become a outstanding executive type. When out of balance will be a meddling “Mother Goose”. By rejecting negative thoughts and being positive they can be a example to others.The balance prophetic knows everything no matter what will be all right by their inner faith.

  • A practicing technique for the Prophetic gift: Ground yourself and spiritually cleanse. Ask your guidance to come near you. Play the song “Pure Imagination” and take a short day dream with your angels. See what you see, hear what hear, feel what you feel, and move effortlessly. By practicing this you will develop your prophetic abilities and begin trusting your inner knowings.

The Gift of Feeling is the Gift of Healing. The person who has this gift as their primary gift has concern for the healing of people or animals. They will pick up impressions and translate them into feelings. When a feeler puts their hands on someone they can easily pick up the feelings that the other person is experiencing. They are highly sensitive. It is important for the feeling type to discern “What is me and not me”? In this way the Feeler will come to understand all their feelings may not be their true feelings but what they are picking up in their environment. By doing this they will stay in balance instead of out of balance by unnecessary suffering and discarding bad habits of staying in negative behaviors. Now the feeler understands their true feelings instead of negative emotion.

  • A technique in developing your Gift of Feeling: Spiritually Cleanse or breathe and ask your guidance in surrounding you with white light that is healing with love. Now ask your guidance for a feeling in self-understanding to help you heal a area of your life. By doing this weekly you will begin to trust your “GUT FEELINGS” in all areas of life.

Here is what I have learned for myself, The better you understand your psychic nature the better you can understand living in a material world. We are all psychic, we are all sensitive, spirit moves through all of us. You come from spirit and you will return to spirit. It is just a matter of bringing this part of yourself consciously to your awareness and practicing your inner communication with your angels.

I hope this is a benefit to you and have FUN practicing.

To Know more about Your Psychic Gifts & Personal Team of Angels/Inner Guidance purchase the Orientation Consultation, and start communicating with your spiritual guidance today!! Book a 30 minute Discovery Session Here:

With Love and Gratitude, April